Global Energy Prize

The Global Energy Prize is an independent award for outstanding scientific research and technological development in energy, which contribute to efficiency and environmentally friendly energy sources for the benefit of humanity.

The award was established in Russia, through the non-commercial Global Energy partnership and with the support of leading Russian energy companies Gazprom, FGC UES and Surgutneftegaz. Laureates are presented with their award by the President of Russia.

The Global Energy Prize promotes energy development as a science and demonstrates the importance of international energy cooperation, as well as public and private investment in energy supply, energy efficiency and energy security. It stands for the belief that advances in science and technology should serve the long-term interests of human development, improving social security and living standards of people in all countries.

In 2011 at the award ceremony of the Global Energy Prize in St. Petersburg, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said: "This prize is quite representative and its conferment recognizes exceptional contribution to science and the overall understanding of energy problems on our planet. The prize’s increasing prestige is largely tied to increasing attention toward energy efficiency – in other words, the future of energy".

The Global Energy Prize’s Board of Trustees is made up of: Vladimir Bogdanov, CEO of Surgutneftegaz; Eugeni Velihov, academician and President of the SRC Kurchatov Institute; Oleg Budargin, Chairman of the Board of UES FGC; Mikhail Gorbachev, Nobel Peace Prize winner; Arkady Dvorkovich, Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation; Sergei Kirienko, Director General of Rosatom; Alexey Miller, Chairman of Gazprom; Farit Mukhametshin, head of the federal agency of Rossotrudnichestvo; Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin; Sergei Yastrzhembsky, director and television presenter.


Since 2003, the Global Energy Prize has been awarded to 24 Laureates from 9 countries: the UK, Germany, Iceland, Canada, Russia, USA, Ukraine, France and Japan. In 2011, the prize fund amounted to 33 million rubles (approximately USD $1, 2m).

The list of those eligible to nominate a scientist for the Prize consists of more than 1500 scientists from 48 countries in the world and is updated annually. Among them are Nobel Laureates in physics and chemistry, winners of the Kyoto, Max Planck, Wolf or Balzan prizes, and previous winners of the Global Energy Prize. The final choice of Laureates is decided by the International Committee of the Global Energy Prize, which consists of 35 respected scientists from 11 countries.

The 2011 ceremonial presentation of the Global Energy Prize will take place on 17 June 2011 as part of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

The Global Energy Prize - An Umbrella Brand in Russia

The Global Energy Prize program also includes the following projects:

The Energy Of Youth – A competition of youth research projects in the energy sector, conducted annually among the core research and educational institutions of the Russian Federation. All scientists participating in the project are under the age of 35 years. The project aims to promote progress in the Russian energy sector, by encouraging young scientists and increasing their interest in research in this area.

The Energy Of Word - An international media competition, which aims to encourage the media and individual journalists to cover energy issues. From 2011, this competition has been held under the auspices of the international journalistic competition PRESSzvanie.

The Energy Of Knowledge – A series of interactive lectures given by the winners of the Global Energy Prize and other prominent energy scholars. This program works to promote the development of positive interest about energy in young people, unleashing the potential of young scientists, to solve personnel problems in the energy sector.

The Energy of Kids – A contest held throughout Russia, rewarding childrens’ creative projects which reference the energy sector.

World Energy – The purpose of this recent project is to provide the public and industry experts with details of the most important and ambitious projects in the global energy sector,
